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Social Media Sucks

It’s a wild world out there y’all.

Much like everyone, I’ve had a love/hate relationship with social media. Mine started in the early 2010s.

Social media has its fair share of sucky aspects. It can be a breeding ground for online bullying and misinformation. And it’s no secret that comparing ourselves to others can eat away at our self-esteem. Plus, let’s not forget the endless scrolling and wasted hours that leave us feeling unproductive and disconnected from the real world.

Enter the new social media app by Meta, Threads.

TBH, it’s probably gonna be more of the same. But all this attention on a new app reminds me that despite everything that is horrible about social media, it’s played a positive role in my life and has helped change the trajectory of my career.

Social media has given a voice to those who’ve long been silenced. It has become a powerful tool for raising awareness about important issues and bringing communities together. It’s like a digital megaphone that amplifies marginalized voices and sparks conversations that can change the world.

For me this has been vital for me to be connected to people who value inclusion. And don’t forget about podcasts! 😉

So, here’s the deal: social media sucks.

But we can always focus on building meaningful connections, spreading positivity, and staying informed. We simply have to choose to do it.


