Oh, the irony.

Here I made a big deal about writing every day and what happened? I haven’t blogged on here since May.

I doubt you feel sorry for me. And you shouldn’t.

So today, all I am trying is to build a little momentum.

I started this thing a few months ago called #Tweet100. Started by creative and podcaster (and all-around nice guy) Jay Clouse, #Tweet100 is a challenge for creators to tweet something meaningful for 100 days straight.

I’m about 70ish days in and I’m realizing that this could apply to anything.

I’d love to emulate the work of my buddy and fellow blogger Mickey Mellen, but I’m not sure I can be as disciplined.

But I will try. And I need to start sometime. Over halfway through #Tweet100 seems like a good place to do it.

I can’t promise I’ll blog every day but I think using it in tandem will be enough motivation.

Thanks for indulging me and I’ll catch you next time I fire up WordPress in the browser.





One response to “Oh, the irony.”

  1. Mickey Mellen Avatar

    Glad to see you firing it back up! Your insights are always amazing, so here’s hoping you can get on a good roll.