a white and black text board

On the Untimely Death of Twitter

It’s hard not to see what is going on at Twitter as “the end.” However, I suspect that we will all still be on it a year from now. But it reminds me of what my buddy Mickey has said about owning your own content.

The idea is simple. Publish your content on your platform and then syndicate it to social media or other platforms. Mickey has been doing it for years.

I thought the only reason to do this was that we were all at risk of censorship. Still, another compelling reason is that for all the convenience of a tweet, the downside is that Twitter (or any other social media platform) could all go away in an instant, and we would have nothing but the data we downloaded (if you remembered to do so).

We should all have a Plan B, and I think the B might be for blogging.





One response to “On the Untimely Death of Twitter”

  1. mickmel Avatar

    “Plan B for Blogging”. I like it!