What Writing Every Day Means to Me

rewrite edit text on a typewriter
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

I am so glad that I live in a time where I don’t have to use a typewriter.

Vague memories of an electric typewriter (that was forbidden to touch) in my grandparent’s house fill my brain — not to mention the volume of when it was running.

Fortunately, I do all of my writing on a laptop (or my phone, but I don’t prefer it). And lately, I’ve been writing a lot. Almost every day.

Blame my buddy Mickey for inspiring me to pick up this practice again. But so far it is coming along just fine.

In fact, here is what I’ve written just this week.


How to barely make any money from Medium stories.

Here is what happened after I got my 2nd vaccine dose

A Shortstack of All my Substacks

Running 50 Miles in May

Think Inclusive

Overcoming Barriers to Inclusive Education

The Weeklyish

No One Needs a Slab Class

Some of this is for work, so the line gets a little blurry. I know that my personal writing is outside of work hours, but that doesn’t mean my work writing isn’t writing.

Writers typically struggle with calling themselves “writers” and I’m no exception. Over the past couple of years, I’ve leaned into it, and one of the last hurdles that I consistently need to move past is consistency of writing.

So, along with my daily writing at Medium, I want to keep up the personal blog with wrap up posts along with longer and more focused and researched personal pieces here. I’ll also want to post archived items from Think Inclusive because we eventually are going to transition to a new website.

Thanks for keeping up with my work!






One response to “What Writing Every Day Means to Me”

  1. Mickey Avatar

    Your writing has been excellent! I’m really enjoying reading it, and glad I could be a part of kick-starting it.

    I’m inspired by your running goals. I’m planning to run a half marathon this fall, but need to get my act in gear. 🙂

    As for the typewriter, that’s something I’ve long wanted. I think it could be a cool way to write thank you notes or something. Not sure yet. The “California Typewriter” documentary was amazing and you should check it out, though I’ve heard the store has since had to close. https://californiatypewritermovie.com/